Conflict, crises and triple nexus

We are focusing on more durable, community-led responses with a nexus approach, where relevant and possible.

As violent conflicts and displacement increase worldwide and humanitarian crises become more complex, Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe and its partners are focusing on more durable, community-led responses along the humanitarian-development-peace (triple) nexus.

A rise in full-scale wars and other forms of armed conflict has led to unprecedented displacement across the world. By the end of 2022, more than 108 million people had been forcibly displaced or were stateless (UNHCR 2023). Correspondingly, but also due to an increase in climate-related disasters, as well as rising poverty and food insecurity levels (particularly since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic), global humanitarian needs are soaring. According to UNOCHA, a record 339 million people are currently in need, but many humanitarian appeals are severely underfunded. Violent conflicts not only cause or worsen humanitarian needs, but they can also be exacerbated as climate hazards and growing inequality put more pressure on communities.

    Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe's approach

    Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe and its partners recognise that solutions to growing humanitarian needs can only be found when sustainable development objectives and threats to social cohesion are also addressed. To the extent possible and depending on the context, our programmes therefore not only respond to immediate humanitarian needs but also seek to support communities to become more resilient and peaceful.

    As outlined in our Strategy 2021+, we understand the humanitarian-development-peace (HDP)-Nexus as a way of working, which entails diverse approaches, and needs to be strengthened over the coming years based on best practices and through the availability of predictable, flexible multi-annual funding. We seek to increase our collaboration and coordination with development and peace actors and jointly work towards collective outcomes, as called for by the 2016 ‘Grand Bargain’, to which Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe – as a member of the ACT Alliance – is a signatory, as well as the 2019 OECD-DAC Recommendation on the HDP-Nexus.

    Operationalising the triple nexus

    In line with the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS), our work seeks to strengthen local capacities while avoiding negative effects. This is why – as a minimum – our conflict-sensitive programming ensures that interventions do not cause harm or exacerbate conflicts. We make sure that our programmes are appropriate and relevant to the context. Regular, evidence-based, participatory and gender-sensitive conflict analyses also enable our partners and us to support, where possible, local efforts to build and maintain social cohesion (the so-called ‘small p’), thus linking the traditionally separate sectors of humanitarian aid, development, and peace action. Attention is given to the voices, specific needs and capacities of women and girls, particularly in regard to protection and psychosocial support.

    Our commitment to localisation within the triple nexus

    Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe is in a unique position to advance HDP-Nexus approaches together with our sister organisation Brot für die Welt – a globally active development agency. Both have a wide network of partner organisations around the globe that are best placed to respond to crises and often have expertise in more than one of the three pillars (H-D-P). As Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe, we are committed to strengthening local capacities and integrating resilience-building activities and anticipatory action.

    Guided by the humanitarian principles and international humanitarian law, together with our partners we seek to explore nexus approaches where possible. We are mindful of mutually reinforcing dynamics – or what has emerged as the ‘Climate-HDP-Nexus’ – and believe that communities hold first-hand knowledge and invaluable expertise to tackle climate-related risks and build resilience, as well as to strengthen peaceful coexistence.

    Your contact for further questions

    Bild von Sabrina Ensenbach

    Sabrina Ensenbach

    Humanitarian Adviser Conflict & Nexus