Protection and psychosocial support

In conflict situations, the displacement of people and the destruction of infrastructure create a domino effect. The worst affected people are no longer able to meet their basic needs and are very vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, which further increases their plight.

Disasters, conflicts, and humanitarian crises severely impact the safety, dignity, and well-being of individuals and communities. Armed conflicts, climate change, and humanitarian crises can lead to increased violence, discrimination, and abuse. In humanitarian settings, the breakdown of social structures, displacement, and limited access to essential services significantly affect communities.

During crises, the vulnerabilities and challenges faced by refugees and internally displaced people are compounded due to overcrowded camps, inadequate security, and limited access to life-saving services, including health, nutrition, education, and water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). The breakdown of protection structures, inadequate physical and social protection systems, and limited economic opportunities further exacerbate the situation of the vulnerable groups, especially women and girls.

Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe's approach

Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe and its partners believe that communities can identify and respond to their protection needs. Our protection and psychosocial support strategies prioritise community empowerment. As a pacesetter inlocalisation, we support partners to conduct participatory risk analysis and implement sustainable community-based protection activities, with a particular focus on the needs, priorities, and capacities of women and girls.

With our shared commitment alongside our partners, we ensure that humanitarian assistance is provided in compliance with humanitarian principles while maintaining the centrality of protection in humanitarian action. We prioritise safety, meaningful access, and accountability in all our operations. Our resources and support enable partners and communities to actively engage in decision-making and safeguard their respect, well-being, and safety.

Saving lives and restoring dignity in crisis

Priority is given to saving lives and restoring dignity through food and nutrition, shelter, WASH, education, and non-food items (NFIs) provided as in-kind assistance or in cash and vouchers. We provide information on rights and services, facilitate access, and advocate for culturally relevant, impartial, and dignified life-saving assistance that protects local protection structures.

Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe and its partners provide client-led specialised psychiatric and psychological services tailored to the specific needs of individuals and communities. Gender-based violence, child protection, mine action, mental health and psychological support are among our priority areas.

Strengthening community and family bonds

Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe and its partners establish and support community psychosocial support centres, women and girls safe spaces and child friendly spaces to restore and strengthen the well-being of families and communities. Affected communities and individuals safely participate in culturally and age-appropriate support groups, positive parenting programs, social clubs, women groups, livelihood activities, training, music and art sessions, and cultural and recreational activities.

Your contact for further questions

Bild von Hiram Kabarita

Hiram Kabarita

Humanitarian Adviser Protection & Psychosocial Support